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Depeche Mode Simlish Music Video [Update]
The band Depeche Mode has recorded their hit "Suffer Well" for Open for Business, in Simlish. Maxis has created a music video of this song, naturally starring a lot of Sims and robots. Other artists, Kajagoogoo and Howard Jones, were interviewed in a podcast, and it's not sure if this video is instead of a Depeche Mode podcast, or if it's an extra - but time will tell. For now you can download the video, in QuickTime format, from the news page.

[Update 3 March 11:10] The QuickTime versions of the video have been taken offline from the news page, but instead a Flash video has been put online, together with some information about the band's latest album. You can find it all on the video's page. If you prefer getting a QuickTime version, you're not completely lost yet. The files are still available, either in high quality (17.3 Mb) or low quality (4.4 Mb) - these files can be removed at any time though, so it's best to get them quickly if you want them.

Written at 22:11 on Thursday, 2 March 2006 by ChEeTaH.

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