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University and Nightlife Patches Released
It's been a long wait, but as announced early today, two new patches have been released. One is for University, and one for Nightlife (and University as well, if you have it). You'll only need one patch, for the latest expansion pack you have - so you don't need to download the University patch if you also have Nightlife installed. Many bugs and problems have been fixed, as the list of fixes, especially for University, is a long one. The Nightlife list is a little shorter (although all the University fixes are included too). Some heavily discussed bugs have been fixed, but the problem with Mrs. Crumplebottom being bitten by a vampire causing problems has not yet been solved in the patch. A second patch for Nightlife might fix it, although it's not yet entirely sure if Maxis is making one yet. A full list of problems that have been fixed can be found on the update page, but here's a summary of the most notable fixes in the patches:
  • Fixed a bug where inventory items and all memories were being deleted after joining a Greek house.
  • Fixed an issue where hard-earned diplomas could be stolen or repossessed.
  • Prevented teens from receiving the "Win Young Entrepreneur's Award" Want when it is already satisfied.
  • Prevented an exploit with the Resurrect-O-Nomitron that allowed more than 8 Sims to live on a lot. (caused many other issues)
  • Fixed an issue where the game would freeze if the user input frame for paintings or the camera appeared during a special event cinematic
  • The Grim Reaper will no longer fail to leave a lot if multiple Sims die and the lot is left empty.
  • Exercise machines introduced in University are now unbreakable.
  • Fixed a rare instance where the Mascot NPC would become stuck in place after pulling the sprinkler prank.
  • The proper text notification is now displayed when a pledge is denied entrance to a Greek House due to relationship score.
  • Prevented a rare instance where dormies could become stuck in a semi-transparent, unelectable state.
  • Sims could not sit on a barstool at the Bachman Busbar (cheap bar)
  • There was an issue with the game locking up when in cameraman mode while a pregnancy state transition occurred or a Sim burned to death.
  • There was the possibility that when using multiple nannies, one could become stuck on the lot indefinitely. Even after dismissal.
  • Sick Sims can no longer die of disease while on community lots.
  • The lifetime want to "Max Out 7 Skills" would not properly satisfy if the final skill point was gained via a SimVac aspiration reward object.
  • The "Buy a Fountain Costing at least 600 Simoleons" Want has been removed from the game.
  • Placing "Myne Door" dorm doors diagonally no longer causes entire rooms to turn invisible.
  • Player controlled young adult Sims now properly retain their semester gauge level when being asked to move in to another lot.
  • Sims no longer play the extended browse animation when purchasing an item from the clothing rack.
  • Fixed a problem where in very specific circumstances age transitions would fail.
  • Ringing cell phones no longer wake up napping Sims.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented large groups of Sims from entering the helicopter carpool.
  • Sims who write great novels now receive the memory for "Wrote Great Novel" rather than the Sim who answered the royalty check phone call.
  • Fixed a major issue where loading a lot with the remote control car in use would make all memory and job icons blank.
  • Fixed a problem that caused pianos that have been owned for a certain amount of time to cease providing fun.
  • Level 6 Greek Houses can now accept pledges
  • Eliminated a problem where Greek Houses were not accepting the proper amount of pledges per level.
  • Sims can now Propose > Move In or Propose > Marriage towards non player young adult Sims that they became engaged to while in college.
  • Fixed an instance where the player was unable to exit or save the game if they cancelled an adoption related interaction with the social worker.
  • The "Cheer Up" interaction no longer causes crushes between Sims.
  • Zits are now removed from any Sim that enters university. (growing into a young adult)
  • Sims no longer get crushes from playing handhelds together.
  • Babies are no longer available in the pool of online chatters.
  • The "Stay Home from Work" want can now be satisfied.
  • When being called for dinner, the headmaster will no longer decide to leave immediately after arriving on the lot.
  • Improved the cleanup of kicky bags (automatically cleans up any invisible kicky bags on lots)
  • Prevented an issue where the headmaster could get stuck indefinitely in a hot tub under certain motive conditions.
  • Book cleanup has been improved to prevent the potential deletion of unintentional objects, such as vehicle portals.
  • Sims can now feed smart milk to toddler Sims sitting in high chairs.
  • Fixed a rare occurrence of a reset that would leave a user unable to save or quite after a Sim gave birth.
  • User created paintings created prior to installing an expansion pack can now be sold or deleted.
  • The player will no longer receive text notification messages that deceased Sims "are no longer friends. "
  • Usability of custom content management has been improved by retaining the most recent page of content after deleting an object, wall, or floor.
  • Fixed a rare issue that in various situations caused a pregnant Sim experiencing morning sickness to die. (aka Sudden Pregnancy Death Syndrome)
  • Fixed an issue with cell phones being removed from Sims' inventories after installing Nightlife.
  • Fixed an issue where a Sim being embarrassed could force the Sim out of poker interactions.
  • Wants for specific electronic devices no longer roll in after a Sim owns that electronic device.
  • Diplomas that were in the career reward panel for University now properly appear in the inventory after installing Nightlife.
  • The lot view options are now saved properly after exiting and restarting the game.
  • Pre-placed tombstones will now appear in build mode when transported to community lots.
  • Fixed an issue that, in certain regional versions of the game, caused the voice audio for the karaoke machine to be intermittent or non-existent.
  • Fixed an improper "$jobTitle" string was being displayed when Sims were asked about their jobs in some regional versions of the game.
  • Fixed a rare bug that could cause a Sim drinking a potion to vanish from the game.
As said, the above list is far from complete. If you only have University, then download the University patch (21.1 Mb). In case you also have Nightlife, or Nightlife only, then get the Nightlife patch (17.3 Mb). The University page has a list of all fixes in both patches, while the Nightlife page also contains a list of a few Nightlife specific bugs. If you don't have any of the expansion packs, then there is still an older patch for the base game. All patches work no matter which language you installed the game in. Note that you need the game CD to be in your drive to install the patches.

Written at 00:09 on Thursday, 13 October 2005 by ChEeTaH.

1 Comment
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Written at 01:20 on Sunday, 16 October 2005 by Neil Jones (NKTP)
Thought as much.

Age transition still doesn't work properly with babies and now it doesn't seem to work properly all the time with toddlers either. Incredible.

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