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Sims 2 (Console) Preview and Screens
GameSpot has posted a preview about the Sims 2 on consoles. Along with that they added the four screenshots below as well. There isn't anything new in the preview, although it does mention the two-player mode a bit more extensively than other previews. When you enter two-player mode, the second player will have to create their Sim. After that, the gameplay isn't much different, except that there are two Sims running around satisfying their needs and aspiration. You can read the preview, and click the thumbnails below to see the screenshots.

The Sims 2 (Console) The Sims 2 (Console) The Sims 2 (Console) The Sims 2 (Console)

Written at 01:17 on Saturday, 27 August 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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