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Sims 2 Screens and Artworks
EA has released a whole bunch of screenshots for the Sims 2 on various platforms again, as well as a few artworks. For the consoles and PSP we have five screenshots each, whereas there are six for GBA and DS each. Other than that, there's one artwork for the consoles and another three which are said to be for both the GBA and DS in the same time. This could mean that the GBA and DS versions of the game feature the same characters. The artworks have been resized to fit your screen a bit easier, the rest is all in its original size. Click the thumbnails to see those large versions.

The Sims 2 (Consoles) Artwork The Sims 2 (Consoles) Screenshot The Sims 2 (Consoles) Screenshot The Sims 2 (Consoles) Screenshot The Sims 2 (Consoles) Screenshot The Sims 2 (Consoles) Screenshot

The Sims 2 (PSP) Screenshot The Sims 2 (PSP) Screenshot The Sims 2 (PSP) Screenshot The Sims 2 (PSP) Screenshot The Sims 2 (PSP) Screenshot

DS/GBA Artworks:
The Sims 2 (DS/GBA) Artwork The Sims 2 (DS/GBA) Artwork The Sims 2 (DS/GBA) Artwork

The Sims 2 (DS) Screenshot The Sims 2 (DS) Screenshot The Sims 2 (DS) Screenshot The Sims 2 (DS) Screenshot The Sims 2 (DS) Screenshot The Sims 2 (DS) Screenshot

The Sims 2 (GBA) Screenshot The Sims 2 (GBA) Screenshot The Sims 2 (GBA) Screenshot The Sims 2 (GBA) Screenshot The Sims 2 (GBA) Screenshot The Sims 2 (GBA) Screenshot

Written at 00:08 on Saturday, 30 July 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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