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SimDay [Update]
The official site has held two contests recently. The biggest one was the USC Student Life competition, where the winner has won either $5,000 or a four-week intern associate position at Maxis. The other contest was about Nightlife outfits. You could submit an outfit created with the Body Shop. Winners would get to see their outfit in Nightlife, plus they'd win an autographed copy of the game. The results have now been revealed. Over a thousand entries were submitted, and of those two have won. With similar contests being held in different countries in Europe, there are two other winners, one from Sweden and another from France. To see those outfits you'll have to wait for Nightlife to be released, but you can already see them at the winners page. There are also two honorable mentions there, which you can download immediately.

Other than that there's the news that if you pre-order Nightlife, you'll get a free downloadable car with your game. Instructions on where to find it will be enclosed in the package. It's unsure if this car will also end up on the exchange with lots and such that use it after Nightlife has been released, but until then pre-ordering the game is the way to make sure you'll have it. There will be a new pre-order deal again soon, with which you'll be able to download music from Nightlife. More details are on the official site's pre-order page. It's unsure whether Amazon also has this offer, it doesn't mention it anyway, but if you'd like to pre-order the game and support TSZ as well, head over to our Sims Shop to get it. Note that shops that do participate might not ship the game to outside the US or Canada.

[Update 22 July, 0:15] The site has been updated again, this time with a video and two screenshots. They are all about the karaoke machine. You can check out the video on the videos page, where you can play or download it in high and low quality. Quicktime is required. The screenshots come from the screenshots page, but you can also click the thumbnails below to see the large versions.

Nightlife Screenshot Nightlife Screenshot

Written at 20:53 on Thursday, 21 July 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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