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USC Contest Winners Revealed
Maxis has revealed the winners of the big Student Life Movie Contest. A new intro on the official site shows snapshots of the winning movies. Limbo1n has won the contest with his movie "Everyday", and will receive either $5,000 or an intern position at Maxis for four weeks. Runner up was Aprylhalbrooks14 with "Day in the Life," which was also awarded as best drama. Best Comedy went to Decorgal21572 with her "Waking Up" and Greencutie99 won the best documentary award, with her "Changes". All videos can be downloaded from the contest winners page. You can also vote for your favourite at MTV. There you can see an additional movie, "The Internship" by M1thcm, and vote for that or one of the other four. See the voting page for more details.

Written at 05:07 on Saturday, 16 July 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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