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Hot Summer Night Nightlife Screenshots
A Hot Summer Night can't be without some Nightlife, so of course EA has been showing The Sims 2 Nightlife on the event held on the 14th as well. This has resulted in several screenshots from the PC expansion pack. Again, like with the Sims 2 Screenshots, nine of these come directly from EA. The last five were posted by GameSpot. We'll keep you updated with more Hot Summer Night material, of which some can be expected very soon. For now click the thumbnails below for the screenshots.

Nightlife (Hot Summer Night) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night GameSpot) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night GameSpot) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night GameSpot) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night GameSpot) Nightlife (Hot Summer Night GameSpot)

Written at 04:03 on Friday, 15 July 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 19:10 on Tuesday, 13 September 2005 by Daniel J (Dan1)
I've seen loads more screens than this
I'm Brainless, Woo!!

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