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It's Thursday again, and with that traditionally it's also Simday. This week Maxis has updated the official site with three things. The first is a Nightlife DJ video, of which portions have been posted in an earlier trailer. You can download and view the short clip from the videos page. It's in QuickTime format and 1.3 or 4.6 Mb. Finally the Post Office, allowing you to send e-cards to your friends, has been expanded with two new postcards. There are now a "To My Best Friend" and a "Thank You" card besides the three that already existed. Go to the post office to send the cards.

[Update 1 July, 20:10] More news items have been posted since yesterday. First of all there are two wallpapers which were put in the Nightlife fansite pack earlier. There are also new horoscopes for July. You can find out about your dating life for this month there, of course hinting towards features of Nightlife. Finally, there is a form where Maxis is gathering information from Sims players. You as Sims player can enter your details and story. The bios that Maxis gathers will be used to create collages, scrapbooks, videos and even on websites. Developers, other fans and press will see the bios. You can enter your bio on the Community Bios page.

Written at 20:09 on Thursday, 30 June 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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