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Release Date News
We've updated our countdown on the right again as there has been some news about release dates recently. Although a little late, The Sims 2 for Mac has now been released, and will soon disappear from the Countdown bit. More interesting are the rumours for Nightlife's release date. Several shops have put up the date of 13 September for the US. With 15 and 16 September already confirmed officially in some European countries (specifically Germany and the Netherlands, and possibly others too), it seems the expansion will indeed be released in week 37 of this year. The strategy guide should arrive not too much later.

You can of course pre-order the game and the guide from our shop, so they'll arrive on your doormat around the release dates. Simply go to our shop and start ordering. You'll support us with it too!

Written at 01:23 on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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