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TSZ Meets Tim LeTourneau
As you may have heard already, Tim LeTourneau, senior producer of The Sims 2 Nightlife, will soon start traveling through Europe again, to show Nightlife to fans and press. Of course The Sims Zone will be with him to ask any burning questions about the expansion pack. So if you have any questions about Nightlife, post them as comment to this post, or email me your question. You have until 29 June, next week Wednesday, to submit your questions. We might then just ask your questions, and post Tim's answers here soon. Don't hesitate - start asking!

Written at 01:17 on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 02:45 on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 by DazzlyWorks (DazzlyWorks)
Can you ask:

How do foundations work with garages and will there be any new tools coming out? Because one article on GameSpot said there will be some new tools after University.
Everything you need for your sims!

Written at 11:03 on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 by christoph (kendaric)
Ask him: What about shops and stores? Can we buy new stuff e.g. gifts, flowers or toys or anything else?

Written at 23:41 on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 by Stradapult
Could you ask whether the ocean will be included as visible from the Sim's houses the same as the rest of the neighborhood?

Written at 09:26 on Wednesday, 22 June 2005 by Gos Iker (kiddoblivion)
Here are my questions:

1.Will there be a way to restrict children from just randomly showing up at clubs or fancy restaurants? (I honestly don't want Jimmy the buck-tooth kid-next-door townie to just show up at my slick club and start dancing with strangers or ordering drinks at the bar)

2.Will there be Bouncers at the club doors and what role will they play in the game?

3. Will there be dress codes for certain downtown lots? Will you be able to say...this expensive french restaurant will only allow sims dressed in formal? (Otherwise you'd have your sim dressed in his best with a townie dressed in overalls and a yellow shirt at the next table).

4. Can your car be stolen...like say a TV can?

5. Will there be a new clothing type (i.e. Swimwear, Formal, Underwear) for going out? Like a more hipper/funkier version of Formal? Maybe called Party Clothes or something...

Written at 05:55 on Thursday, 23 June 2005 by TheShadowFox
Edited at 05:56 on Thursday, 23 June 2005 by TheShadowFox
Personally, I'd like at least just a little more info on vampires, as it is heavily inferred, if not guaranteed, that they exist. Are they created by a random NPC (seems probable), or by a failed transition between life and death (similar to the zombies, not likely)? I highly doubt you'll have the ability to Create-A-Sim, might create a lack of balance.

Likewise, along the same vein as christoph's question, I'd like to know if the Inventory will make a return, as (if memory serves) the inventory made its debut in one of the original game's early expansion packs. Mainly due to the fact that it would make gift-giving much easier.

Written at 00:13 on Friday, 24 June 2005 by christoph (kendaric)
Will there be new features or objects especially for university owners? Things, that can only be discovered, if university is installed?

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