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Object and NL Fansite Kit
Maxis has updated the official site last friday with a new father's day object, the Nikko Lounge Chair, and a fansite kit for Nightlife. The object is a chair providing superlative comfort and design. For about a half Mb you can download it from the exchange, and see for yourself. The fansite kit is as usual packed with quite a few graphics. Among them are three pack shots, which show that the game seems to be released in a DVD-style case in the US as well. The new EA logo can also be seen on them, rather than EA Games. Besides that, there are some screenshots in the pack of which two are new, and there are two wallpapers. Click the thumbnails, or for the wallpapers the desired resolution, to see the graphics. Note that they might be very big, especially the box shots. To download the entire fansite kit you have to agree to its license, where you can find a link at the bottom. Besides mentioned graphics, you'll also find an info sheet and a trailer in there.

Pack shots:
The Sims 2 Nightlife Box - Front The Sims 2 Nightlife Box - Left The Sims 2 Nightlife Box - Right

The Sims 2 Nightlife Screenshot The Sims 2 Nightlife Screenshot

Nightlife Wallpaper 1
Nightlife Wallpaper 2

Written at 01:11 on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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