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New EP Ideas?
A survey was spotted on the official site, about the future of the Sims 2 on PC. There were several ideas of possible expansion packs, to which you could say which you'd prefer. Besides that there was a question regarding a CD with 60+ objects, for $19.95. Maxis has in the past held other surveys to find out what users want. The survey has had enough entries by now, and a BBS thread with information has been deleted. But we still have it, with thanks to SP Zone and SimsZone:
"TRIP OF A LIFETIME Take your Sims to exotic destinations around the world, or send them on trip to their favorite holiday destination in their very own car. Now the can travel to a tropical beach, mountain getaway, and visit a famous, world-class city."

"RUN YOUR OWN SIMS BUSINESS Now our Sims can run their own home business via the internet selling crafted goods or create their own brick & mortar store downtown. Layout your store to best entice your customers, and craft your goods to meet their demands! Sell paintings, furniture, books, music, clothes, food or even run a nightclub or restaurant!"

"MOVIE DIRECTOR Use new objects, clothing, and building elements to create the cast and set the stage to film movies using The Sims 2. Create realistic human dramas, sci-fi, western or even your own comedies."

"SPOOKED & HAUNTED Create the ultimate haunted neighborhood for your Sims. Build a scarry mansions with haunted pictures, heads in jars, doppelganger mirrors and more. You can even make your own scarry characters such as Werewolves, Ghosts, Monsters, and Witches. Who has the spookiest house in the hood?"

"DO IT YOURSELF For the first time your Sims can create their own furniture, decorations and even their own clothing. Take them from apprentice to skilled master by building up their creative skills at making their own, unique items. Success can result in even more customization options and special rewards for their creative projects. Watch as they gain notoriety, influence over others Sims and can demand top Simoleans for their prized masterpieces."
A little more information about the survey can be found in this thread at N99 (registration required).

Written at 00:14 on Monday, 13 June 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 18:24 on Wednesday, 20 July 2005 by Shasta (Solion)
Iwould like to know if u can invite guess tou're wedding like House Party in TS1

Written at 03:39 on Monday, 21 May 2007 by Jacinto Javier Fernández Herrera (kachicho2007)
Vacations in which places you can find celebrities as a new kind of sim as zombie or werewolf.

Written at 14:58 on Monday, 28 July 2008 by lesley (laread)
how do you give ideas for expansion packs?

Written at 12:03 on Sunday, 2 November 2008 by Eli (scoobydoobyel)
can there be the sims 2 super star?

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