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E3: GameSpy about TS2 on GBA and DS
GameSpy is, as well as many other games sites, magazines, developers, publishers and others attending the E3. They've posted some information and screenshots of The Sims 2 on GBA and DS. About the DS version they say that the CAS screen is very detailed, and that the game is all about customization. The downside is that the connectivity between two DSes is limited to sharing content - there's no head-to-head gameplay. About the GBA version it's said the game focuses more on goals than previous Sims games for the same platform. As with the DS version, there will not be any head-to-head gameplay either, but sharing is possible through the GBA-GBA connectivity. The screenshot below is also of the GBA version, and was included in the article. You can find out more at the DS Preview or GBA preview.

The Sims 2 @ Gameboy

Written at 19:26 on Wednesday, 18 May 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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