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Nightlife Update - Art, Box, Interview and T-Mail
It's been announced just one day ago, but there's already quite lot of news about it: Nightlife, The Sims 2's second expansion pack. First of all, Maxis has made a landing page, which shows information of the expansion pack. On it you can find a logo, in colour, as well as some artworks. They're posted in their full size below, they're not thumbnails to click this time. The landing page also gives some info regarding new places: there will be mellow lounges, nightclubs, restaurants and even bowling alleys. Of course objects will to make these be included as well, for example a bowling lane or a DJ Booth. You can work with the latter to get a little bit extra money. Other objects include a photo booth, poker table and a karaoke machine, while new characters come in the shape of vampires and hot waiters. In total there will be 125 new objects and items in the pack, a few more than in University.

Other than that, there is an interview with Tim LeTourneau (Senior Producer) and Shannon Copur (Producer) at GameSpy. They talk about the similarities with Hot Date, but also the differences between the two packs. Some information from the interview has been posted above, for the rest read the interview. GameSpy has also posted a box shot, which you can see below (click the thumbnail to enlarge it).

Finally, we received an e-mail from Tim LeTourneau about this expansion pack. He'll be keeping us updated with news about the expansion pack like he's done with University, and Luc and Lucy did with The Sims 2 itself. You can read his words in the Read More part. Of course we'll keep you updated with the latest news about the pack in the future.

Thanks to XPDude and SP Zone for some of the links.

TS2 Nightlife Small Artwork TS2 Nightlife Small Artwork TS2 Nightlife Small Artwork TS2 Nightlife Small Artwork TS2 Nightlife Small Logo TS2 Nightlife Box Shot

"Hi Everyone,

"It's been a few weeks. I hope you are all enjoying The Sims 2 University, and have had some time to discover all the special little touches we included.

"As you know, we have just announced the next expansion. It's called The Sims 2 Nightlife and it's all about getting the Sims out of the house. I know you guys have been asking for more community stuff. Well it's finally coming.

"I'm attaching the press release, please feel free to share. I'll have more exciting stuff for you in the weeks to come, so stay tuned. There are a lot of cool features designed especially for the community and the hard core players in The Sims 2 Nightlife and I can't wait to share them with you.

Press release
About page

"And yes those really are fangs...

"Talk to you soon,"


Written at 23:23 on Wednesday, 6 April 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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