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Wright Wins Game Designer's Challenge [Update]
For the second year in a row, Will Wright has won the Game Designer's Challenge. Held at the Game Developers Conference 2005, Will Wright, Peter Molyneux and Clint Hocking were challenged to build a game around Emily Dickinson's poetry. Determined by the applause of the audience after the presentations of each design, Will Wright won this challenge with his "USB Emily," on a USB stick. But in the game's name, USB stands for "Unstable Synthetic Brain." Clint Hocking on the other hand made up a game called "Muse," in which the player would have to inspire Dickinson to write her poetry. Molyneux gave the project the name "The Room." His design was quite different - you have a set of rooms next to each other, connected by mirrors, with all kinds of interactive objects in them. You can find more details about the challenge and the different designs in a GameSpy article covering the event.

[Update 22:30] An additional article about the challenge can be found here on GameSpot.

Written at 12:05 on Friday, 11 March 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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