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A Rug Object!
This is my first rug. I have been trying it out so it might not be perfect. Objects do sink in a bit when placed on top of it. Thanks to Echo for creating the base carpets.

Watch out for some new carpets soon! Soon, as in "in a while" since carpets are sortta funky with a bit of sinking in. So something else will come up next. If all goes well heres a hint: Gogh, Mattise, Rici, Durer

UPDATE: After many tries, I will leave this rug as a recolor and include Echo's original rug. Later on this will be an individual rug. You will need both rugs, when in The Sims, you will find this rug under Echo's rug.

Written at 01:29 on Tuesday, 22 February 2005 by Sumit.

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