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This week's SimDay brings both old and new things. The old things are IGN's review and developer interview. The trailer with two bands competing against each other has also been posted on the official site now, under the videos section. If you haven't seen it yet, you can go there to download it.

New is that KillerSims is celebrating its fifth birthday this month. To celebrate this event, they are having a competition with which you can win the Sims 2 University, the first expansion pack of the Sims 2. It's a Fan-Salute contest as they've held before. You can find all the details about it at KillerSims. Finally there are also three new wallpapers in University-style. If you want to see those three - or you want to download them - head over to the Wallpapers page.

Written at 03:24 on Friday, 18 February 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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