98,697,570 visitors since 2 February 2002 

Official Site Nominated
The game itself has already won several awards, including several Game of the Year ones. It's a great success with over 4.5 million copies sold in just 5 months' time, but the website has never really won anything. That might change though, as the official website of the Sims 2, TheSims2.ea.com, has been nominated for the SXSW 2005 Web Awards. Nominees for these awards are all websites that launched or were redesigned in the past year. The Sims 2 is nominated in the Community/Wiki category, thanks to the huge amount of members on the exchange, helping the site to get some content. Other nominees in the same category are Digital Web Magazine, Dogster, Spiceplay and SuperBorrowNet. Besides the Judges' choice, there's also a People's Choice award where you can cast your vote for your favourite site until 1 March 2005. The awards ceremony will be held 13 March.

Written at 00:07 on Saturday, 12 February 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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