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Interview with LeTourneau
Tim LeTourneau has recently been interviewed again, this time by the official UK site. There's little new info in it, but a few things are worth mentioning. The first thing is that, contrary to earlier statements, the game will have two CDs. Just like the Sims 1, the CD of the Sims 2 University will become your "play" cd. And as for the length of the new lifestage, it's finally been cleared up: young adulthood takes 24 days, split up in 4 years. Each half year at school takes 3 days. And when talking about gadgets, Tim says there will be cellphones, hand-held systems and MP3 players for Sims to buy. Read the complete interview for more information. And you can now already submit more questions, this time to Will Wright. The questions will be asked to Will this friday, so get asking for info.

Written at 20:23 on Thursday, 27 January 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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