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New Sims 2 Patch
We've catched up with all the news again, but there's still one more thing to tell. Maxis has unexpectedly released a new patch for the Sims 2 today. It fixes two bugs, namely the custom content browser for Asian territories, and some bugs related to downloadable objects. It's not available as separate small patch, but there's only one big patch (which includes the original one) available. You can download it for almost 17 Mb of hard disk space, from the Update page.

Written at 22:08 on Wednesday, 12 January 2005 by ChEeTaH.

1 Comment
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Written at 00:12 on Thursday, 13 January 2005 by Neil Jones (NKTP)
Well these patches are working well, streamlined my game even further than the original patch did.

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