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University Box Shots and Rating
Several sites have posted box shots of the Sims 2 University over the past two weeks. Although all of them are merely artworks and not (yet) official, it's not unlikely one of them will be the final one. Of course, when more information is revealed by EA, we'll let you know. The shots come from GameStop (shots 1 and 3), the official Czech site (shot 2), and SimsExpress (shot 4). Thanks to these sites for providing the graphics. The last one, which looks the most like an official box (althoguh in Spanish) also shows a European PEGI rating of 12 years and older. It's unsure whether this will be the final rating in Europe, but it's remarkable it's higher than the original game, which was rated 7+.

TS2U Box Shot 1 (GameStop) TS2U Box Shot 2 (EA Czech) TS2U Box Shot 3 (GameStop) TS2U Box Shot 4 (SimsExpress)

Written at 21:26 on Tuesday, 11 January 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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