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Sims 2 Gone Gold [Update]
The rumour started earlier today, but it has now been confirmed: The Sims 2 has gone gold. That means it's now officially finished, and the CDs and manuals are being pressed and boxed. This has been confirmed by Maxis in this thread in the BBS:
"Gamespy's got their facts straight - The Sims 2 is now final and off to manufacturing.

"The team is tired but happy, and they can't wait until the game is in your hot little hands. I spent a good chunk of the weekend playing and it's way fun."

That means there's practically nothing in the way of the 17 September release date now. That's when the game will be in stores. Unfortunately there is still no confirmation about a European release of the DVD edition, though it's become unlikely. Of course, you can order the game from our shop now, with which you'll support us.

[Update 21:55] A news post about this has been made at the official site as well now. See the gold news for that.

Written at 23:33 on Monday, 23 August 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 00:01 on Tuesday, 24 August 2004 by Andrew Russell (AndyJR123)
What great news!!

I have actually managed to order the DVD edition from Gameseek.co.uk. However it is no longer on the site. I do hope this means that they have just run out and that it doesn't mean that they never had any to sell!

It would be great if they released it earlier but I'm happy enough with the news that it's all ready to go and that there is no chance of the release date being put back.

Written at 00:23 on Tuesday, 24 August 2004 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
I doubt they'd run out even before the game's out, plus it would then probably be listed as "out of stock" (but more should arrive later).

GamePlay.co.uk also used to have the DVD version listed, now it's saying it's most likely to be CD-Rom only.

A UK (European) release of the DVD has become very unlikely - either way EA Europe is keeping their mouth shut about it...


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Written at 09:28 on Tuesday, 24 August 2004 by Neil Jones (NKTP)
Cool :)

I pre-ordered the game on Amazon way back in March so I should be pretty near the front of the queue when the stuff comes in :) Plus I'm saving an extra £3 over Amazon's current price so I'm happy :)

Written at 03:57 on Friday, 27 August 2004 by elvendragon
*bounces around happily*

woot! w00t! w007! \/\/007!!

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