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12 New Sims 2 Wallpapers
The bonus cd, that comes with pre-orders from several shops in the US, is already being sold for $10 at some stores (with a $10 rebate when you buy the game). On this CD there is material like some videos and interviews (with some webmasters from The Sims 2 University, professional testers, Will Wright, Lucy Bradshaw and other Maxoids), two mini-games (Family Tree, which already came with a McDonald's CD in January, and the Hot Lips game, in which you have to select a Sim, three Sims from the opposite gender, and then see how well the Sim kisses), a bunch of old screenshots, a timeline of the Maxis history, and also 12 new wallpapers. For those who have the CD: only 6 of them, with the new logo, show up in the menu, the other 6 can only be accessed through Windows Explorer (My Computer). The probable reason the second set was 'hidden', is that they have the old logo. Hence it may seem there are some doubles between them, but they have a different logo, so you can pick your favourite. Unfortunately we can't post any of the other things as they are locked in one huge file (we can't afford the bandwidth that would generate), and there's nothing saying it's permitted to post the files. However, the wallpapers can be posted freely on fansites, so they're here. Click the Read More bit (or just scroll down a bit) to see the wallpapers, and click your favourite resolution to download them (either 800x600 or 1024x768, other sizes aren't available).

Thanks go out to our own Sumit for providing the wallpapers.

WARNING: Due to bandwidth issues, do NOT leech (hot-link) to these files (the links will not work anyway)! Mirror them on your own server instead, or link to this news post please. Thank you.

Wallpaper 1
Wallpaper 2
Wallpaper 3
Wallpaper 4
Wallpaper 5
Wallpaper 6
Wallpaper 7
Wallpaper 8
Wallpaper 9
Wallpaper 10
Wallpaper 11
Wallpaper 12

Written at 01:33 on Friday, 16 July 2004 by ChEeTaH.

These comments express the view and/or opinion of our visitors and not The Sims Zone. It's not necessarily The Sims Zone's or any of its staff members' opinion. The Sims Zone cannot be held responsible for what's said in these comments. Abusers of this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Written at 06:51 on Friday, 16 July 2004 by Ryan (luckydogryan)
Looks like Mortimer is single and Cassandra has a baby brother named Alex. There will be 3 neighborhoods. Bella disappeard. I think Bella should have returned. I hate that they didn't include her! I wonder if The Newbies are back?

Written at 14:22 on Friday, 16 July 2004 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
Perhaps Bella is living on her own... or with Luc Barthelet. More about the new previews (also the Urbz) later today on this site.


Webmaster of this site
The Neighborhood Handler: http://www.thesimszone.co.uk/tnhh

Written at 18:08 on Friday, 16 July 2004 by Simmygirluver09
eh its okay

Written at 18:19 on Friday, 16 July 2004 by James Magenta (JamesMagenta)
The 54 screenshots on that asian website you can see the goths + the golddiggers that are after him.The first time I saw them screenshots I knew that was cassandra in them.

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