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More Urbz Material
IGN has posted some new material of the Urbz on the consoles. This time there's a 'story' in which a couple of the girls in the game tell about the district they live in. Jayde introduces them:
"Hey there! My name is Jayde and I'd like to introduce you to a few urban friends of mine -- Lil'Bit, Toots Sweet and Ally Stile. Now, we know you've been ogling well-endowed game ladies since the dawn of an 8-bit time, but we're pretty sure you haven't met honeys like us...until now anyway."
Along with the article, there are a few new exclusive screenshots and artworks. Be sure to check it out - both guys and ladies.

Written at 01:28 on Wednesday, 14 July 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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