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Sims 2: Complete Don Video
Entertainment network IGN has posted a new video of The Sims 2. It's not completely new, as it has again the life of Don, the 'romantic' Sim, in it. This time it's the complete E3 presentation though, with commentary by Tim LeTourneau, producer of the game. He walks through the interface of the game a bit, including showing the aspiration items, entering a home, showing the family tree, and more. You can also see Alex, Don's and Sarah's child, grow up. It's about 8 minutes and thirty seconds to watch, so IGN has split it up in four parts. That way you can download smaller files and watch one part while downloading the other. It's also available as one complete (58 Mb) video. Windows Media Player 9 or QuickTime is required to watch the video. Go to the article about it, or just skip directly to the videos page to see it. It's a must see if you're looking forward to this game, even if it's only a tiny bit.

Written at 16:35 on Saturday, 26 June 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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