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This week has a not-so-very-interesting SimDay. The interview with Jonathan Knight and the earlier designer diary are mentioned again. Besides that there is a new community update. On the Sims 2 Website you can also find links to a new contest at The Sims Resource, and a BodyShop hair tutorial by LintphishX. Also new is a poll running on the official site. They're asking you about your favourite expansion pack. Finally there's a new blog by Mike Perry on the URBZ Site, about how they get their ideas for the game:
"We started by holding brainstorming sessions. Everybody on the development team was invited to a meeting room where they could shout out any game idea they had. We wrote down every idea, good or bad, on a big whiteboard. We filled up the whiteboard so fast that we typed up the notes and erased the whiteboard 4 or 5 times in every brainstorming session."
Read the complete blog on the official URBZ Site.

Written at 12:47 on Thursday, 17 June 2004 by ChEeTaH.

1 Comment
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Written at 05:35 on Friday, 18 June 2004 by Christina (sims1000)
when is the next live chat

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