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Maxis/Origin Moves cost 117 jobs
Back in March Maxis has moved into their new office at the EA headquarters in Redwood City, California. Another EA studio, Origin, has also moved to those headquarters from Austin, Texas. Combined, this has cost an estimated 117 jobs. There have been rumours of people being laid off before the move already. Some more explanation about htis has been fiven by EA:
"We contacted Jeff Brown at Electronic Arts, who clarified the situation. Brown explained that the "lion's share" of employees at Maxis and Origin were offered jobs at the Redwood Shores location. Some employees, of course, are not accepting the new positions. It turns out the "117" figure was reported in the securities filing based on an estimate of how many employees would not be taking the new jobs."
Meanwhile, EA is still hiring more people than those who are leaving the company. It's not known exactly how many people from each office separately have left them. For more information, read the full article at IGN.

Written at 23:08 on Tuesday, 8 June 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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