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Game Critics Awards Nominations
Every year shortly after the E3, the Game Critics Awards are held. The nominations have been published, and The Sims 2 is nominated twice. It can win the award for Best PC Game, and Best Simulation game. The Urbz is also nominated for Best Simulation, which means Maxis has a chance of 2 out of 5 to win that award. 35 Leading media outlets (that cover games of course) nominate the games and judge the winners. Oddly enough, it's mentioned that hands-on play time must have been available for the nominated games, while there wasn't much of a sign that the URBZ was playable (though it could've been). The winners will be announced on 8 June. See the GCA Website for more information.

Written at 22:41 on Wednesday, 26 May 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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