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The Sims 2 one of Best of E3
GameSpy has awarded 20 games and pieces of hardware that were shown on the E3 with a "Best of E3: Editor's Choice" award. A massive amount of games, literally hundreds, were shown at the E3 last week, and the Sims 2 is one of the 20 picks by GameSpy editors:
"It's not hyperbole when we say that the original The Sims was a worldwide phenomenon. The tricky part to making a sequel to a well-loved, massive success is how to keep it fresh without ruining what made the original a classic. From what we've seen at the show, it looks like Maxis and EA have managed to do just that."
You can get the entire list of winners at the first page of the list. The Sims 2 can be found on page 2 (#19). You might also be interested in reading Fargo's Blog, in which he mentions The Sims 2 briefly.

Written at 17:55 on Thursday, 20 May 2004 by ChEeTaH.

1 Comment
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Written at 18:59 on Thursday, 20 May 2004 by Sarah (Sims-2-)
I love these comments they really give you a lot of information :D
The Sims 2 Rox!

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