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Body Shop: The Hidden Stuff [Update]
The Body Shop manual and tutorial do not reveal all. First of all, there are a few useful hotkeys that we found:
  • F6: Stretch the arms of the Sim/mannequin. This does not toggle back though, so once they're stretched you can't 'undo' that unless you change something.
  • F7: Zoom in to the face of the Sim.
  • F8: Zoom out to see the whole body of the Sim.
  • F9: Show/Hide the control panel. Useful for viewing those parts that are just a bit off screen, or for making screenshots
If you have discovered other hotkeys, feel free to e-mail me with the details. Furthermore, a 'hidden' webpage has been discovered. It seems that it'll be used from within the game, as portal to the exchange. However it doesn't have much content whatsoever yet, as the real exchange doesn't exist yet. Click here to get there.

Last but not least: I've made a small utility which allows you to put Body Shop parts (*.package) files into a *.sims2skin file, so they can be installed in a more user-friendly way. Those files can be easily installed by just double clicking them, which is more user-friendly if you're distributing your parts. Unzip the file anywhere to your hard drive and run the Sims2Packer file. All required DLLs are included in the zip file. You can download it from this page (1.3 Mb).

IMPORTANT NOTE: This tool is not supported by Maxis or EA. ChEeTaH and/or The Sims Zone are not responsible for any damage done by this tool. Support can not be provided, but suggestions are welcome. Using this tool is entirely at your own risk. Feel free to redistribute this program, but don't make any modifications to any of the files, which includes the zip file itself.

[Update 1:50] I accidently missed out 2 DLL files in the initial downloads. The file is now available again, redownload it if you were having problems. I've also posted a version without the DLLs (for if you have The Add-on Handler 0.3.0b or later, or the Neighborhood Handler 4.11 or later) at this page (23 Kb).

Written at 02:56 on Friday, 14 May 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 07:25 on Friday, 14 May 2004 by elvendragon
Man... are there any certain system reguirements for bodyshop or what?

woot! w00t! w007! \/\/007!!

Written at 15:37 on Friday, 14 May 2004 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
BodyShop System Requirements (similar to those for The Sims 2):
* Windows XP/2000/ME/98
* 600 MHz Intel Pentium III or AMD K6 Processor
* 256 MB RAM
* 450 MB free disk space
* Graphics card with at least 32 MB
* DirectX 9.0b

For tips on improving performance of the body shop, go to its help page.


Webmaster of this site
The Neighborhood Handler: http://www.thesimszone.co.uk/tnhh

Written at 00:46 on Saturday, 15 May 2004 by elvendragon
Thanks. I need a new computer.

woot! w00t! w007! \/\/007!!

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