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SimDay Report: Skins and a chat
Not a lot of new stuff this SimDay: A reminder for the Hot or Not skin contest, the announcement of the winners of the TSO Skin Contest and a chat with Sid Meier from SimGolf...

First of all, Tuesday 12 February there will be a chat with Sid Meier. This even will be held at 6 PM EST or 11 PM GMT. Get your questions to Sid Meier ready and ask them at that time, over here

The winners of the The Sims Online skin contest held a few weeks ago have been announced. You can find out whose skins have won here. Congratulations to all of the winners.

Last but not least, remember that another Skin contest is running: The Hot or Not skin contest. For more info, read last week's SimDay Report or check out the contest page.
Written at 19:28 on Thursday, 7 February 2002 by ChEeTaH.

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