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Bustin' Out N-Gage Shots
It's out since yesterday, but much hasn't been told about The Sims Bustin' Out on N-Gage. Nevertheless, it's also shown at the E3, at Nokia's stand, and the Dutch InsideGamer has posted a set of new screenshots on their website. 2 Of these are new, while one of these 2 is again very similar to some earlier screenshots. You can see both below (they're already in their full size). The info site at N-Gage.com has also posted a new wallpaper for you to download, and an interview with Virginia McArthur. That interview is already a month old but never posted about.

Claire Cutterbell Bustin' Out N-Gage Main Menu

Written at 19:03 on Wednesday, 12 May 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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