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Official Sims 2 UK site Launched
EA UK has just launched the official UK site for The Sims 2. It's already quite full of content: you can find info, wallpapers (at the bottom), screenshots and the E3 trailer (QuickTime required, 24 Mb, it's on the "mystery" page), already posted about last Saturday. For discussions, there are also some brand new forums. They're no different from the original forums on the Sims 1 UK site though. You can also download a couple of official movies and media on the download page. Navigation is done using a rotating wheel on the right. Unfortunately the site works with Internet Explorer only (and browsers using the IE engine), not with Mozilla FireFox or other browsers. You can find it at TheSims2.uk.ea.com.

Written at 21:09 on Tuesday, 11 May 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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