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New interview and Body Shop Shots
Lucy Bradshaw has sent out her weekly e-mail again, and in it was an interview with Darren Futa, producer of The Sims 2. She said the following about it:
"One of the great joys of working at Maxis is the excellent teams of people that I find myself surrounded by each and every day. The sense of humor and fun that you find in our games correlates directly with the people who create those games. You can rest assured that even during the most intense development period, where everyone seems to be working 'round the clock, the antics and good humor of team members shines through in ways that raise the collective spirits of all and gets us through our long, arduous days.

"With that in mind, I thought it would be great to get inside the minds of some of the best and brightest of Maxis. The release of The Sims 2 Body Shop looms large on the horizon, and one of the individuals crucial to its development was Producer Darren Futa. I sat down with Darren and picked his brain on all manner of things, both related to The Sims 2 and The Sims 2 Body Shop, but also questions of a more personal nature. Read on!"
We've posted the interview in our interviews section. Lucy also send us the following screenshots of Sims you can make with the Body Shop. They're not the prettiest one, but they do show that you can make a sim look exactly the way you want. Click the thumbnails below to see the full-size screenshots.

A Body Shop Sim (1) A Body Shop Sim (2)

Written at 15:45 on Saturday, 17 April 2004 by ChEeTaH.

1 Comment
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Written at 00:52 on Tuesday, 20 April 2004 by elvendragon
Ha ha - lol

woot! w00t! w007! \/\/007!!

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