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TSO Still a Failure
The Sims Online has been doing worse than expected since the first months. Although EA has invested a lot of money in it ($300 million), some consider it a failure. Within 3 months after its release EA expected to have sold 200,000 copies of the game, while a month after the release only 80,000 people had signed up. At the moment there are only about 80,000 more subscribers than a year after the release - despite new content like pets, services and a lot more. EA expected to have 1 million players now, which means it's doing worse than their expectations. Some people say the biggest reason for the failure of the game is that it's not possible to have custom content in the game, something which has been held back by EA as they never allowed SafeTMog (by Don Hopkins) to be released. But TSO isn't the only game doing worse than expected, SMH has posted an article which talks about the stumble of PCs in the video game industry.

Written at 00:22 on Wednesday, 14 April 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 02:58 on Wednesday, 14 April 2004 by Hayley (girlygirl09)
Well one of the reasons I didn't buy it was because it cost money to play the game. I mean the game didn't cost a lot but just like sbuscribing to the game. . .

Written at 15:15 on Wednesday, 14 April 2004 by Emily (emeldu2998)
Also, alot of people didn't want their kids to play it 'cause they thought it was unsafe. I've heard that some people have been talking about how bad it is to others when their playing it.

Written at 20:55 on Wednesday, 14 April 2004 by Carabella
I played it for awhile. I found it boring, and there were alot of rude people. Also you had to depend very highly on roommates, and first of all it was hard to find a roomate, and secondly, after you did, sometimes they were flakes and never showed up again after a few days, or they would move everything around on your lot, and add things without permishion. Then get mad and leave when you changed it back or asked them not to do something. It wasn't much fun for me.

Written at 23:30 on Wednesday, 14 April 2004 by Joshua Fleming (Dirge)
I'd like to hear what people think TSO should have been. Where did it fail, what did it do right, and what should have been different?

Written at 00:34 on Thursday, 15 April 2004 by Hayley (girlygirl09)
Edited at 00:37 on Thursday, 15 April 2004 by Hayley (girlygirl09)
Well it failed for me with when it cost $90.?? for subscribing. I also did here about horrible things going on about it, my close friend got it and we played it once. I really think they should have made it more safe like Emily said. My mother doesn't like having my younger sister on chat rooms or chatting with people across the counrty that she doesn't know. I personaly think they shouldn't have made a chatting one. Well it could just be me because I like realistic Sim game one.

Written at 22:06 on Friday, 16 April 2004 by elvendragon
Well then your younger sister shouldn't be allowed to play on it, now shall she? My parents almost crapped a brick when they saw the price on it (over here, it's different i think), and they kept telling me that people would influence me to do "bad" things with or because of "bad" people. Anyways, I didn't get it. I wanted it... I like chatting with other people. Coming home everday from school to an empty house gets boring and depressing. But that's just me.

woot! w00t! w007! \/\/007!!

Written at 22:33 on Friday, 16 April 2004 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
Just for your information: the game has blocking and report options with which you can ignore or even report other players to EA. That way children/teens can more or less safely play the game and ignore harrassment. Of course the final decision is up to the parents - perhaps it's a good idea they watch along with the kid playing the game :)


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Written at 18:49 on Saturday, 17 April 2004 by kim (virgo2123)
I would have loved to play tso but i can't afford it i tried the free trial when it first came out but the disk ea sent me didnt load

Written at 23:24 on Monday, 19 April 2004 by Carabella
What did I like about TSO? I liked most of the people there. I made some cool friends. And I had a roomate that was great. Only one...the others? *shrug* I liked being the owner of a resort. That was fun. I left before they came out with pets or buyable cloths, I would have liked that to. I thought it was neet that you could get jobs, and did. And I liked the fact that you could role play.

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