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Makin' Magic (Mac) released [Update]
Sims Fans with a Macintosh can now also enjoy some Magic. Aspyr has released Makin' Magic for the Mac last week. Although the Aspyr website is currently not working properly, you can buy the game from Amazon and other stores. This also means the whole Sims series has now been made for Macintosh as well as Windows (with the exception of the Deluxe editions and the Create A Sim tool). As usual, you'll need the original game to play Makin' Magic. For more information, visit Aspyr.

[Update 20:15] The Aspyr website is working again. Here are the system requirements for the game:
  • Mac OS 9.2.2 or Mac OS X version 10.1 or later
  • PowerPC G3 or better, 500 MHz or faster (600 MHz recommended)
  • 192 MB RAM (additional 128MB for OS X)
  • 1.3 GB free disk space
  • 4MB of VRAM (8MB recommended)
  • Quicktime 4.1.2 or later
You can also order the game directly from Aspyr right here. More details about the product itself are on this page.

Written at 18:30 on Sunday, 29 February 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 20:53 on Sunday, 29 February 2004 by Brenden (brendendeilke)
WOW! my friend will be happy to hear that!

Written at 15:36 on Saturday, 6 March 2004 by emma (minxyemma)
sounds gr8

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