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Four New TS2 Screenshots
Our affiliate SimsZone.de has posted 4 new official screenshots from The Sims 2. The first one shows another sim giving a back rub. The second one shows a bathroom, and in the mirror you can see a Sim in the bath tub. The third one shows a male cooking for a female Sim. The fourth screen shot shows a male Sim painting a female on a sofa. You can see them on the front page of SimsZone now, or in their screenshots section.

Written at 05:40 on Sunday, 22 February 2004 by Stash.

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Written at 23:44 on Monday, 23 February 2004 by fangy171
Cool. Where's Cheetah?

Written at 07:32 on Tuesday, 24 February 2004 by ingrid (ingrid7570)
He's away for a week ( made a headline.....)
I like the one with the reflection in the mirror.

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