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2 Sims 2 screens
Maxis has made 2 new screenshots of The Sims 2 and published. They're a follow-up to one of the screenshots in a recent set of shots. Click the thumbnails below to see them for yourself.

Image 1 Image 2

Written at 14:00 on Thursday, 19 February 2004 by ChEeTaH.

These comments express the view and/or opinion of our visitors and not The Sims Zone. It's not necessarily The Sims Zone's or any of its staff members' opinion. The Sims Zone cannot be held responsible for what's said in these comments. Abusers of this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Written at 15:18 on Thursday, 19 February 2004 by Hayley (girlygirl09)
In the first screen shot is he proposing to her?

Written at 18:57 on Thursday, 19 February 2004 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
It looks like it... but I'm not sure.


Webmaster of this site
The Neighborhood Handler: http://www.thesimszone.co.uk/tnhh

Written at 19:30 on Thursday, 19 February 2004 by sabrina (doggy711173)
The girl is UGLY!!!!
sabrina sarder

Written at 04:42 on Friday, 20 February 2004 by ASimFan11733
Edited at 08:56 on Friday, 20 February 2004 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
Take a look at the screenshot to the right. Now look at the screenshot on this link:
http://www.snootysims.com/official/official117.jpg (image) , see the comparrison? it looks like the same interaction!
My Sims2 Fansite:

Written at 08:55 on Friday, 20 February 2004 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
Use < a href="URL"> and end the link with < /a>. It uses regular HTML (with the exeption of the < quote> tag). I've fixed the link.


Webmaster of this site
The Neighborhood Handler: http://www.thesimszone.co.uk/tnhh

Written at 00:15 on Saturday, 21 February 2004 by Drew (Droopy2011)
I think its singing lessons or dance lessons.
Drew Walling

Written at 16:39 on Saturday, 21 February 2004 by chris (chris2)
i like the girl in the first photo
Chris is from Bulgaria.

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