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New Poll
It's thursday morning, which means we have a new poll for you again. Last week we asked if you have any really old, or even ancient, Sims. If you're interested in checking the final results of that poll, click here. This week's poll is about The Sims 2 again. As we all know, a lot of features are being added. But there are also many which will not make the game. We've listed a couple of those features, and now want to know which one of those you want to see in the game the most. That could be in an expansion pack too. Let us know and vote at the right, or on this page.

Written at 01:21 on Thursday, 19 February 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 02:20 on Thursday, 19 February 2004 by Hayley (girlygirl09)
I would really like to see the Sims 2 that you could go to work with you sims and you could go to school with them. I would also like to drive cars. I would like pets too! I think they should add like horses and cos like a ranch!

Written at 06:39 on Thursday, 19 February 2004 by fangy171
That'd be awesome... they should really have hamsters and lizards and stuff... I hope there'll be weather; normal sunny days suck, I like the rain better.

Written at 10:45 on Thursday, 19 February 2004 by clubsim
To be honest, I see no point in driving cars, except from and to work. I suppose you could get arrested for Joy-Riding and Hi-Jacking...
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Written at 14:12 on Thursday, 19 February 2004 by Peter (PJWolf35)
They should includes all the options listed, our sims should be able to drive (but gotta pass the driving test first and gian their license) No license and caught by the police = jail time!

Sims 1 has no weekend, no weather how dull (or in sims case how bright!) should have weekend and weather, I mean can't call a party if it raining or go for a swim if it cold etc.

SIm timeline should be more realistic in terms of a normal day by the minute as usual, if you only sims is at work then increase by the hour! However if sims is in jail, then by days or week depending on the offence.

Bills should change alittle, it should reflects on telephone, water (have a pool? needs retopping now and then n real life and bath and shower) Gas and electric not based on number of items you have in your sim home!

**** lots of changes I love to see in Sims 2 but would it ever happen? Would it be like Sims 1 but more 3d with few changes???

But hey that my view :)

Written at 19:46 on Thursday, 19 February 2004 by Megan (Megan20)
I would love to see all of those options but also would like the timeline to be more realistic, and also to have weekends. I think I would be mad if I had to work everyday and never got a day off.

Written at 23:09 on Friday, 20 February 2004 by Hayley (girlygirl09)
I like the weekend and days off idea but I want the time to stay the same because wouldn't you get bored watching you Sim watch TV for about 1-2 hours? I sure would. And also Peter I LOVE YOUR IDEAS!!!!!!!

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