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Slice City in the News
Sims fansite SimSlice has made news. Their "Slice City", which brings SimCity to The Sims, attracted Wired, and they've written an article entirely about the download. Here's a snippet:
"Now the series has come full circle. The plug-in from Simslice, called Slice City, lets the Sims in the game play a video game in which they create mini cities. So, along with the many things that Sims can be instructed to do -- such as going to work, playing guitar, cooking, socializing and dating -- they can blow endless hours creating small urban environments."
For the complete article, which also contains some quotes from Steve Alvey, a designer at SimSlice, click here. For Slice City, click here.

Written at 13:05 on Tuesday, 17 February 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 02:41 on Wednesday, 18 February 2004 by Hayley (girlygirl09)
huh? what is Simslice?

Written at 02:44 on Wednesday, 18 February 2004 by Brenden (brendendeilke)
SimSlice takes SimCity and makes it a Playable city in The Sims Game!!!!

Written at 02:46 on Wednesday, 18 February 2004 by Brenden (brendendeilke)
Like a game like they play the computer, they play the city and it costs you money to run it to, so Iwould put cheats on!!!

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