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Chat with Luc
Last week's chat was about the SimCity 4 BAT, and you can read the transcripts at this page. But Maxis is already preparing the next chat for this thursday. It will be about The Sims 2 again - Luc Barthelet will once again join the chatroom to talk about the upcoming sequel. All your questions can be send, but keep in mind that it may not be answered as there will probably be very many visitors again. The chat is at the "American" time again, at 3pm PST (11pm in Britain, midnight in Europe). There's room for 'only' 500 people, and it has been that busy before. So make sure you get there in time, the room will open about 10-15 minutes before the chat itself. You can enter through the official Sims 2 site.

Written at 16:41 on Wednesday, 11 February 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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Written at 00:57 on Thursday, 12 February 2004 by ASimFan11733
Do you know if we are allowed to ask about CasIE in thisn chat? I remember the last chat they asked us not ask questions about CasIE do you know if this chat will be any different?

Written at 01:07 on Thursday, 12 February 2004 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
You should be able to ask questions about CaSIE. Last time they ignored all questions about the release dates of CaSIE and The Sims 2, but you could ask about features of CaSIE etc as far as I know. Release date questions will probably be more or less ignored again, although you may never know...


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