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Coming soon: RugOMatic
On his personal site, Dan Hopkins, creator of Transmogrifier, has announced a few more projects besides just Transmogrifier 2. He's also developing an add-on called "RugOMatic", which will allow you to create rugs from any picture you import. It's a lot easier than using T-mog. All you'll have to do is drag-and-drop an image or some text and it's all done. Another plugin he's creating is "ShowAndTell":
"ShowAndTell" is an ActiveX control for displaying a live preview of a Sims object file on a web page (or wherever you can plug in an ActiveX control). You can change the rotation and zoom of the object, and it shows you the name, price and description. It also lets you change the background color and turn off the grid, to match your web page.
For more information, visit Don Hopkins' sites RadiOMatic BlogUTron (his personal site) and Transmogrifier.

Written at 16:40 on Sunday, 11 January 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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