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New Sims 2 & CaSIE Shots
The official site of The Sims 2 has posted 2 new screenshots of The Sims 2, which show how the grandfather of a toddler teaches her how to walk. These can be found here. We've also received 6 new screenshots of CaSIE, the tool to create Sims for The Sims 2 with. Click the thumbnails below to see them completely:

CaSIE Screenshot 1  CaSIE Screenshot 2  CaSIE Screenshot 3  CaSIE Screenshot 4  CaSIE Screenshot 5  CaSIE Screenshot 6

Written at 00:48 on Monday, 24 November 2003 by ChEeTaH.

1 Comment
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Written at 00:50 on Tuesday, 25 November 2003 by TINADUBZ
i cant wait to get the sims 2.i'm going to re-create all the sims i made in sims 1, and put them in the sims 2: )

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