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Another Week, Another SimDay
This week's SimDay brings some nice and some old stuff. First of all there are links to two articles, one we've discussed earlier about Bustin' Out going online on the PS2, and the other one is a preview of The Sims 2. It's from Yahoo! this time, and you can find it right here. Under Get Cool Stuff at the official site, you can download the first set of The Sims Double Deluxe (to be released very soon). There will be 2 more sets coming in the next week. Those three together are all the extras of The Sims Double Deluxe that didn't come with earlier versions (so Sims Creator won't be a download, unfortunately). Finally there's info about a chat at 3pm PST today (which is 11pm in the UK, or midnight CET). It's about having a website and the hosting of fansites. The chat will be held in the chatroom at the official site that's been closed last week (but will be reopened temporarily). You can find the link to the chat at this page. Maxis General Manager Luc Barthelet will answer the submitted questions. That's all from the official site this week.

Written at 21:46 on Thursday, 18 September 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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