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Makin' Magic Update!
The last expansion pack for The Sims, "The Sims: Makin' Magic", is comming out this fall. The exact release dates are October 28, 2003 for North American markets (America and Canada) and October 31, 2003 for the the UK and Europe. Maxis has picked the box design for the game's release (you can see it here). The box is a dark blue with "magical-sim" shadows around the logo. Also, for those people who need a little help, you can buy the "Makin' Magic Prima Strategy Guide". The book is filled with tons of tips, tricks and hints. This strategy guide will help you develop the tactics and moves you need to get the most from the game. It will also go on sale the same day as the game. SimsZone.de has several new screenshots from the game, including a new shot of Magic Town.

Written at 05:22 on Monday, 25 August 2003 by Stash.

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