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New Poll
As we do every Thursday we have changed the poll here at The Sims Zone. This week we are asking you "Where do your Sims usually go on holiday?" You can vote on the right of this page, or by clicking here.

Last week we asked you, "How many expansions do you expect will come for The Sims 2?" We would like to thank the 263 people who voted. You can see the results here, but here is a quick rundown: The clear winner of this poll with just over 50% of the votes was you thought The Sims 2 would have more than 7 expansion packs. 16% think it will have 7 expansions, the same as The Sims 1. The other results are all pretty close, with the following order: 4 expansions (23 votes), 3 expansions (18 votes), 5 expansions (14 votes), 6 and 0 were equal 6th with 12 votes. 7 people thought there would be 2 expansion packs, and only 2 people thought there would be 1 expansion pack for The Sims 2.

Written at 23:48 on Thursday, 14 August 2003 by Steve.

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