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The Sims 2 at Games Domain
Games Domain have a preview of The Sims 2 available for everyone to read here. Included with the preview are some screenshots from the game, however these are nothing you won't have seen elsewhere. They are also available at TheSims.com homepage.

The article is very good and slightly amusing. It gives us plenty of information about The Sims 2, from how much Sims can be customised, to how much you can zoom in on the game. The people over at Games Domain witnessed The Sims 2 for themselves at Camp EA 2003; because of this they have managed to give some interesting descriptions of what we are likely to see in the game!
"One blond bathing beauty who stayed out by the Jacuzzi too long -- during a lightning-storm -- wobbled back into the house with frazzled hair and semi-scorched clothing, as though she'd just wandered off the set of an old Warner Bros. cartoon."
To read the article in full click here.

Written at 22:40 on Wednesday, 6 August 2003 by Steve.

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