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The Sims Makin' Magic Survey
A thing we've seemed to mist since the box-shot: it came from a survey, apparantly. It's all about The Sims, and apparantly they want to know more about your experience with The Sims and its expansion packs. They ask several questions about the new expansion pack, like whether you'll buy it or not, if you've heard about it, and what you know about it. They have several final titles that might make it: "Makin' Magic", "Spellbound" (which we've heard before), "9 to 5", "College Bound", or "Global Travels". I doubt some names will be used for Makin' Magic, but maybe they'll be used for an expansion pack for The Sims 2. You can take the survey right here. Besides all the questions, there are also some more box shots, and a couple of pictures of objects (of which you've already seen a couple on the 2 screenshots). The boxes are for the titles Makin' Magic and Spellbound (click to enlarge):

Makin' Magic:
Makin' Magic, Blue Makin' Magic, Black
Spellbound, Blue Spellbound, Green Spellbound, Black

For the objects pictures, just take the survey. Thanks to both Sims Extremos and our affiliate The Sim's Stash for info about the survey.

Written at 21:44 on Wednesday, 30 July 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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