98,526,612 visitors since 2 February 2002 

New poll: How often do your Sims move?
Last week we were wondering if you'd like to see Sim Brother 3. Of the 190 people who voted, 32% can't wait. Those who don't know what Sim Brother is were with more though: 54%. That leaves just 14% for the other 3 options. 5% don't want SB3, 6% doesn't really care, and 3% does want it but can wait another while for it. This week's poll is about your Sims moving homes. We want to know how long your families usually stay in one home. You can vote at the right of each page, or at this page. Thank you for your votes.

Written at 02:00 on Thursday, 26 June 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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