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SimDay: New plant
This week's SimDay brings a bit of strange news, usually not posted at the official site: a site (SimDandies) been closed down. It's a bit odd, as many sites closed down in the past and Maxis never posted about that... But anyway, in the rest of the news there's a new preview of The Sims 2 at GameGal. It's not too interesting, it doesn't bring any news, so if you want to read it just click here. Finally there's also a new plant available for download: the Cytherea Asilus Casses or Carnivorous Plant. It seems you have to feed it once every 24 hours (or let your Butler do it for you). Go to Get Cool Stuff to download it (292 Kb). That's it again this week.

Written at 02:25 on Friday, 13 June 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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